Thursday 24 July 2014

Fruit Salad

Milk – 500 ml
Sugar – 6 table spoons
Custard Powder – 3 table spoons
Vanilla Essence – 1 tea spoon
Fresh Cream – 3 table spoons (optional)
Fruits – Apple, Grapes, Mango, pineapple, blueberry, dates. (you can add any of your choice)

***Cut the fruits to small square shaped pieces. Add 1 table spoon sugar to the cut fruits and refrigerate. ***


Mix custard powder in a little milk and keep aside. Boil the remaining milk with sugar. Add the custard mixture to the boiling milk and stir continuously for 5 minutes. Remove from the fire and allow it to cool. Now add vanilla essence and cream. Mix in the fruits and refrigerate again. Serve Chilled.

Saturday 5 July 2014

Caramel Vanilla Custard Pudding

Milk – ½ litre
Vanilla Custard Powder – 2 table spoons
Sugar – 3 table spoons
Gelatin – 1 table spoon
Water – 50 ml ( to soak gelatin)
Vanilla Essence – 1 tea spoon
Fresh Cream – 3 table spoons

For Caramelize

Sugar – 4 table spoons
Water – 50 ml

Heat the sugar in a pan without water until it turns golden brown. Keep stirring until you get the caramel liquid. Now slowly add water to the caramel. Stir continuously and remove from the fire.

1.     Soak Gelatin in a small cup of water (use cold water).
2.     Mix custard powder in a little milk and keep aside.
3.     Boil the remaining milk with sugar.
4.     Add the pre mixed custard to the boiling milk.
5.     Boil in very low fire until the mixture gets thick.
6.     Add the caramel liquid.
7.     Add the soaked gelatin to it and mix well.
8.     Remove from the fire and allow it to cool.
9.     Now add the fresh cream to it.
10.  Finally add the vanilla essence.
11. Refrigerate for 5-6 hours and serve.