Monday 10 July 2017

Pappaya Kheer (Pappaya Payasam)

Pappaya payasam is also almost similar to pumpkin payasam. But still I love pumpkin payasam more :) Please try both payasams at home and share your feedback.
Ripe Pappaya - 2 cups, cubed
Sago (Tapioca pearls)-4 tablespoons
Jaggery-1 ½ cups, grated
Cardamom-5, crushed
Thin Coconut Milk-2 cups
Thick Coconut Milk-1 cup
Ghee-1 ½ tablespoons
Cashew nuts-a few
Raisins-a few

Soak almonds in hot water for 20 minutes and remove the skin. Grind almonds to paste. Boil some water and add grated jaggery to it. Mix until jaggery is completely dissolved. Allow it to cool and then strain. Cook sago in boiling water for about 5-8 minutes and wash in cold water and keep aside.
Heat ghee in a pan and saute the pappaya until it's soft. Add almond paste and mix well. Now add jaggery syrup and mix well. Add crushed cardamom and cooked sago. Add thin coconut milk and let it boil for a few minutes. Add thick coconut milk and simmer the fire. Let it boil for 2 minutes and turn off the fire. Fry cashew nuts and raisins in ghee and garnish the payasam.

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