Friday 5 September 2014

Stuffed Bell Peppers


Bell Peppers – 4 nos (tops cut and seeds removed)
Minced beef/mutton – 500 gm
Rice – ½ cup, cooked
Onion – 1 big
Garlic – 4 nos, chopped
Salt – as required
Black Pepper Powder – 1 teaspoon
Chilly flakes – ½ teaspoon
Olive Oil – 2 table spoons
Tomato Sauce – 2 table spoons
Tomato Paste – 2 table spoons
Philadelphia Cream Cheese – 3 table spoons
Mozzarella Cheese – grated, for topping


Preheat the oven to 220°C.

Boil some water with salt in a large pot and add in the bell peppers.
Cook until the peppers are tender. Take out carefully and keep the bell peppers aside.
Add olive oil in a pan and saute garlic and onions. Now add the minced meat. Add salt and pepper powder. Now add in the tomato paste and tomato sauce. Cover and cook for 5 minutes. Sprinkle chilly flakes to it and combine well. Add in the cooked rice and mix well. Add the cream cheese and off the fire. Stuff the bell peppers with this mixture and place in the baking tray. Bake it in the oven for 15 minutes.Take out the baking tray and top up the peppers with grated mozzarella cheese and bake for 10 more minutes.

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